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Russia and Eurasia
International headlines
Chronology - 31 October 2015
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A daily listing of Russia/Eurasia-related press reports
iNYT = International New York Times. FT = The Financial Times. Econ = The Economost. BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation World Service. Other titles given in full.

13 Nov. Kazakhstan privatization drive proves a hard sell (FT)

12 Nov. Moscow anti-doping head quits amid scandal (G. Rodchenkov) / FT / A dark day for Russia and for world athletics (FT leader / Russian human rights group faces liquidation threat (Memorial) FT / Putin's Syria gambit has pinned a target on his nation's back (FT) / In Ukraine's eqst, young residents face a future put on ice (iNYT)

11 Nov. Where some see doping, Russians see Western plot (iNYT)

10 Nov. Inquiry finds systematic doping in Russian sports (iNYT) / Russia threatened with Olympics ban over 'deep-rooted' drug cheating (FT) / Russian doping collusion shocks athletics probe (FT) / Arms deal with Iran is now active (S-300 supply) iNYT / Suspicion falls on ISIS's Sinai affiliate in Russian crash (NYT) / In Russia, a dissident artist strikes again (Petr Pavlensky) iNYT

09 Nov. Gaps in Egyptian airport security face scrutiny as Russian experets arrive (iNYT)

08 Nov. Russia: '11,000 tourists back from Egypt' (BBC)

07 Nov.

06 Nov. Public support for Putin drowns out critics (FT) / Russia dismisses UK Sinai jet bomb as 'speculation ' (FT) / Kazakhstan runs risks with its [economic] hyperactivity (FT)

05 Nov.

04 Nov.Crisis-hit Kazakhstan announces start of asset sell-off (FT)

03 Nov. Putin's never-ending war (iNYT)

02 Nov. Russia mourns as officials try to determine cause of jet crash in Egypt (iNYT)

01 Nov. Sinai plane crash: Egypt dismisses IS claim (BBC)


31 Oct. Sinai plane crash: No survivors on Russian airliner KGL9268 (BBC) / U.S. sends troos to Syria to aid rebels (as Larov asserts need of co-operation against ISIS) iNYT / New look at an ancient site in Kazakhstan (iNYT)

30 Oct.

29 Oct. Iran agrees to join U.S. and Russia in Syria talks (iNYT)

28 Oct.

27 Oct.

26 Oct. Russian subs menacing sea cables, U.S. sys (iNYT) / Syria campaign affordable for recession-hit Russia (FT)

25 Oct. Syria conflict: FSA rebels reject Russia military help (BBC)

24 Oct. Syria rebels divided over Russian air strikes (FT) / The myth of Putin's strategic genius (McFaul) iNYT

23 Oct. Putin renews call for joint campaign agazinst Islamist terror (FT) / Ukraine premier opts out of poll after collapse ins support (FT) / Sheikh Putin of Syria (Trudolyubov, Vedmodti contribution) iNYT

22 Oct. Putin shows his power in calling Assad to Moscow (iNYT)/ Sounds of war fade to background in Ukrainian city (iNYT)

21 Oct. US and Russia sign deal to avoid Syria air incidents (BBC)

20 Oct. Recent quiet in Ukraine offers hope (iNYT) / Putin's partition plan for Syria (iNYT)

19 Oct. Russia's partition plan for Syria (iNYT)

08 Oct.

07 Oct.

16 Oct. Russia deploys might, as West takes note (Syria) iNYT

15 Oct. In Russia's backyard (China's economic penetration of Central Asia) FT / Europe must stay tough on the dictator of Belarus (FT leader)

14 Oct. Report links Russian missile to jet crash (MH17) iNYT / Russian-made missile hit MH17 (FT) / Russia's Muslims enraged by Assad gambit (FT) /A road to Damascus via Moscow (iNYT) / Moscow considers restricting rouble's strength to lift exports (FT)

13 Oct. Iraqi Shiites hail Putin for strikes in Syria (iNYT) / Iraq should fear Russia's help (iNYT)

12 Oct.

11 Oct.

10 Oct. Putin's imperial furore (S.S. Montefiore) iNYT

09 Oct. NATO adds fo defences, with an eye on Moscow (iNYT) / Putin seizes his chance in Syria (iNYT) / Putin's boldness, Syria's pain (iNYT) / Russians and Syrians press their offensive (iNYT) / Afghanistan fuels Russia fears over Syria ground war (FT)/ Fortress Russia offers the West a cosy deal (FT)

08 Oct. Russia fires missiles from ships, escalating aid to Assad (iNYT) / Russia steps up strikes on Syria with long-range cruise missiles (FT)

07 Oct. Russia and Turkey spar over Syria (iNYT)

06 Oct. Russia hints ground force could enter Syria conflict (iNYT) / Yuri Afanasyev (obit) iNYT / Ankara warns Mosdcow to stay out of Turkish aurspace (FT)

05 Oct. Putin's past offers clues to strategy in Syria ('fear of mob rule') iNYT /Kremlin show of strength scuppers Syria no-fly zone plan (FT)

04 Oct.

03 Oct. Russian jets hit targets in Syria held by ISIS (iNYT) / Syria overshadows Europeans' talk on Ukraine (iNYT)/ Putin frustrates US as he risks Syria quagmire (FT)

02 Oct. Russian air strikes put Obama on back foot (FT) / Putin's Syria push clouds peace deal with Ukraine (FT) / US. rankled as Russians again strike at ISIS rivals (iNYT) /Smoke and mirrors - Kremlin tactics are familiar (FT)

01 Oct.


30 Sep. Moscow strives for new anti-terror alliance (FT)/ Putin attempts to come in from the world (FT leader)/ A findamental clash on Syria (Putin, Obama) iNYT leader

29 Sep. At the U.N., Obama and Putin trade criticism (iNYT) / U.S. scrambles as Russia surprises with Mideast pact (iNYT) / US and Russia clash over Syria strategy (FT)

28 Sep. Diplomatic steps on Syria are Putin's way of catering to the audience at home (iNYT) / Obama-Putin meeting makes sense (iNYT leader) / The battle for Syria (Putin -Obama meeting) FT / Deal with Obama is Putin's leqse worst option (FT)

27 Sep.

26 Sep. Russia and Poland in spat over World War Two cause (BBC)

25 Sep. Presidents of U.S. and Russia plan to hold talks [on Syria abd Ukraine] iNYT

24 Sep. Russia exhumes bones of murdered Tsar Nicholas and wife (BBC)

23 Sep. With ground-attack jets, Russia builds up presence in Syria (iNYT) / 'Putin's ex-banker' files $12bn Russian compensation claim (Sergei Pugachev) iNYT / 'Kremlin's banker' sues Russian state over assets (FT)

22 Sep.

21 Sep.

20 Sep.

19 Sep.

18 Sept. / In Syria, Putin sees a chance to repair rift with the West (iNYT)/ China's appitite for Russian food exports grows (FT) / Ukraine avoids default with support for debt restructuring (FT) / Israels's PM to quiz Putin on Syria build-up (FT)

17 Sep. Pentagon uncertain about Putin's aims in Syria (FT) /Russia's latest fake election (by M. Trudolyubov of Vedomosti) iNYT

16 Sep. Putin says aid to Assad is limiting migrant exodus (iNYT) / US hints at adding to financial aid for Ukraine (FT)

15 Sep. Russia's risky moves on Syria (iNYT leader) / Don't trust Putin on Syria (outside contribution) iNYT

14 Sep. Parties in Ukraine conflict are urged to build on time (Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine in 'Minsk effort') iNYT Russia gambles on casino to revive fortunes in vast far eqst (Vladivostok) FT / The Soviets' enduring grip on social media (book review) FT

13 Sep.

12 Sep. Moscow weighs US co-operation as it seeks to wrest initiative on Syria (FT) / Russian cargo planes arrive in Syria (BBC) / Russia's opposition - Lonely but not lost (Navaalny profile) Econ

11 Sep. Polls showcase Putin's version of democracy (regional ballots) FT

10 Sep. Russia says its military advisers are in Syria (NYT)

09 Sep.

08 Sep. Russian deal with OPEC ruled out (FT)

07 Sep.

O6 Sep.

05 Sep.

04 Sep.

03 Sep.

02 Sep.

01 Sep. Police officer is killed in Kiev amid protest of Parliament vote (iNYT) / Kiev clashes after regional power vote (FT) / Russia law reform sparks internet surveillance fears (FT) / Leading Azerbaijan journalist Khadija Ismayilova jailed in Baku (BBC)


31 Aug. Ruble's decline keeps Russians at home (iNYT) / A commemoration tug of war (Solivetski islands) iNYT

30 Aug.

29 Aug.

28 Aug.

27 Aug.

26 Aug. Russian military court jails Ukrainian fulm director for 20 years (Oleg Sentsov) FT / Russian court finds filmmaaker guilty of terror (iNYT)

25 Aug.Russia can break out of Putin's thrall (FT)

24 Aug.Russia moves to halt rouble sell-off (FT)

23 Aug.

22Aug. Yakunin move leads to reshuffle talk (Moscow inner circle changes) FT / Putin v Parmesan (iNYT leader) / Russia's economy - The path to penury (Econ) / Azerbaijan - Back in the USSR (Imorisonment of Leyla and Arif Yunus) Econ

21 Aug. Crimea, where patriotic Russians vacation (iNYT)/ Ukraine conflict drives interest in German armour (FT)

20 Aug.Outcry as Russia jails Estonian spy seized in his own country (FT) / Russia steps up food war with French food store (iNYT)

19 Aug. Pain deepens for Russians as the ruble drops badly (iNYT) / Fighting escalates as Putin seeks to increase pressure on Ukraine (FT)

18 Aug. Say it with flowers: Russia strikes back at the Dutch (iNYT)

17 Aug. Russian recession poses financial dilemma for logistics groups (FT) Ukrainian lawmakers support shift of power to regions (FT)

16 Aug.

15 Aug. Russia says Iran general did not visit Russia (iNYT) / A vow of love, an act of defiance (Ukrainian gay marriage) iNYT

14 Aug. Nato urged to put bases kin Poland to counter Russia (Andrez Duda interview) FT / Russian rule of Crimea does little to sweep away old demons (iNYT)

13 Aug.

12 Aug.

11 Aug.

10 Aug.

09 Aug.

08 Aug.

07 Aug.

06 Aug.

05 Aug.

04 Aug.

03 Aug. Ukrainian far-right force puts Kiev in its sights (FT)

02 Aug.

01 Aug. Demoralised Ukraine troops start to lose faith in president (FT) / Russia and the world - Making waves if not ruling them (Econ)


31 Jul.Russian business on tenterhooks over business rate decision (FT)

30 Jul.

29 Jul.

28 Jul.

27 Jul. Putin invokes miliary pride as Russian exclave's economy starts to slide (Kaliningrad) FT / An AIDS crisis in Ukraine (iNYT)

26 Jul.

25 Jul.

24 Jul. Russia's empty gesture (Call for UN inquiry into MH17 responsibility) iNYT leader / Big Reqd, Russia (Ex-oligarch Sergei Pugachev accuses Putin of vendetta) FT

23 Jul. Russia's scientists fall silznt ('Failure to react to Kremlin ban on "undesirable orgarizations"') iNYT contribution

22 Jul.

21 Jul.

20 Jul. Russia's encircled regime (Kozyrev) iNYT

19 Jul.

18 Jul. Dispute erupts over MH17 prosecutions (FT)

17 Jul.

16 Jul.

15 Jul.

14 Jul. Deutsche Bank probed oczed Russian bribe attempt (FT)

13 Jul.

12 Jul.

11 Jul.

10 Jul. Maverick leader gets his Odessa files in order (Saakashvili) FT / Local wine? Even the richest Russians learn to live with less (iNYT)

09 Jul.

08 Jul. Chechens join battle to defend Ukraine (iNYT)

07 Jul.

06 Jul. Powers in the balance ('Russia wants a new security order in Europe') FT

05 Jul.

04 Jul.

03 Jul. Russia sees secirity threat in its Moslmem concents (iNYT)

02 Jul.

01 Jul.


30 Jun/

29 Jun

28 Jun

27 Jun

26 Jun

25 Jun.

24 Jun. Nato refocusses on an old foe, Russia (iNYT) / Carter confirms heavy arms for Europe in face of Russian threat (FT) / Nato comes home to its historic base in Europe (FT leader) / Kazakh city fights image issues in fight for [Winter] Olympics (Amla-Ata) iNYT / 'Russia behind the Headlines' advertising supplement - Tourism (iNYT)

23 June

22 Jun. Putin aide warns US over missile sites as Nato steps up its conflict planning (FT)

21 Jun.

20 Jun. Russia opens for business but red carpet fails to hide deep crisis (FT) / Greek leader shares a stage in Russia (NYT) / Ukraine on Russia - Putin the uniter (Econ) / The Crimean Tatars - Back into exile (Econ)

19 Jun. Tsipras feted in St. Petersburg (FT) / Russia fights to freeze assets for $50 demand (Franco-Bemgian claims against Yukos)FT / Russian steel flourishes, propping up economy (NYT)

18 Jun. EU agrees to extend sanctions on Russia (iNYT) / Saudi defence minister in talks to change Putin's mind over Syria (FT) / Russian mistakes and Western misunderstandings (iNYT)

17 Jun.

16 Jun. Putin's risky game of chicken (iNYT) / An asset to the state (Mechel mining indispensible despite debt) FT

15 Jun. European oil groups extend deals in Russia despite EU sanctions (FT) / Russia exploits loopholes in sanctions (FT) / U.S. poised to put heavy weaponry in East Europe (iNYT) / Heavy rains in Georgia's capital let zoo animals roam the streets (iNYT)

14 Jun.

13 Jun. Many in Congress press to arm Ukraine (iNYT)

12 Jun. Russians crowdfund insurgency in Ukraine (iNYT) / Fifa scandal changes game for Russian backers (FT) / Ukraine's creditors must share the country's pain (FT)

11 Jun. Energy is target as Russia flexes muscles (Lithuanian allegation) iNYT / Renzi plays good cop to humour Putin and Italian business (at Milan fair) FT

10 Jun. Putin's warlords slip out of control (iNYT) / Nemtsov's daughter attacks Russian media (BBC)

09 Jun. Putin wqrned of fresh sanctions over Ukraine (FT) / Leonid Plyusch, Soviet dissident locked in asylum, dies (iNYT)

08 Jun. West warns of divisive tactics from Moscow (iNYT)

07 Jun.

06 Jun. As fihting flzres, Ukraine leqder calls for global support (iNYT)/ Germans lament loss of Russia from G-7 (iNYT) / Inflation adds to Ukraine's woes (iNYT) / Ukraine - Misha's moment (Saakashvili) Econ

05 Jun.

04 Jun. A 'carousel' of borrowing drains banks in Moldova (iNYT)/ Ukrainian forces and Russia clash in onslaught near Donetsk (FT) / Moscow and Doha defiant as FBI probes award of 2018 and 2022 [football] tournaments (FT)

03 Jun. Putin hides the truth [about Russian troops in Ukraine] iNYT

02 Jun.

01 Jun. Russia blacklists 89 'hostile' EU citizens (FR) / Fighting leaves Ukraine economy shttered and factories idle (FT) / Saakashvili takes Odessa role (FT) / Russia puts 89 European officials on its blacklist (iNYT) / Europe cool towards fleeing Ukrainians (iNYT)


30 May Kremlin critic seriously ill amid claims of poisining (V. Kara-Mirza) FT / Plan for another huge statue hits Moscow 'St. Vladimir) iNYT

29 May Using Google and You Tube, analysts gauge Russia's role in Ukraine (iNYT) / Russia outlaws talk on Ukraine losses (FT)

28 May (Swiss) Transfigura becomes major exporter of Russian oil as sanctions squeeze credit (FT)

27 May

26 May

25 May

24 May

23 May

22 May

21 May

20 May

19 May Russia accuses west of interference after Macedonia violence (FT) / Belarus hails a beloved artist at last (Chagall) iNYT

18 May Kiev lapsing into chaos as orruption takes a toll (iNYT) / Moscow uses soft and hard power to regain incluence in Georgia (FT) / Weak rouble and sanctions breath life into Russian industry (FT) / Reform-minded Ukraine merits debt reduction (Summers) FT

17 May

16 May Kerry visit seen as a nod to Putin's resilience (iNYT)

15 May A tiny crack in the Russian ice (Putin-Kerry in Sochi) iNYT leader

14 May After the strongmen (Karimov, Nazaebayev) FT

13 May Ukraine deaths of Russian troops put in hundreds ('Nemtsov' report) FT / Uzbekistan's forgotten massacre (Andijon, 2005) iNYT

12 May U.S. revives outreach to Russia on Syrian crisis (iNYT) / An unsettling encounter in the Irish Sea (Irish trawler snares Russian submarine?) iNYT / We Russians need better ideas for life after Putin (R. Gontmakher) FT

11 May

10 May

09 May Western leaders shun Moscow Victory Day celebrations (FT) / Russia and China - An uneasy relationship (Econ) / An Odessa file - Black Sea woes (Econ)

08 May World Wae II ceremony loses some luster (iNYT) / Moscow moves to unlock Chinese financing (Xi Jinping and Putin in Moscow)FT / Putin ans Xi not quite the allies they seem (FT leader)

07 May How Russia lost the war (M. Shiskin) iNYT

06 May Moscow bars strikes on traffickers' boats in Libya ports (FT) /Russia eyes China energy boost (FT) / Special report (Victory Day) - The Voice of Victory, What was the role of the Second Front, Russian soft power initiatives (iNYT)

05 May

04 May Chechen leader accused of brutal rule (FT) / Maya Plisetskaya obit (iNYT)

03 May

02 May Tussia's Victory Day - Great patriotic war, again (Econ) / Ukraine and Europe - Commitment anxiety (Econ) / Azerbaijan and the European games - Aliyev's party (Econ)

01 May


30 Apr.

29 Apr. Poroshenko takes on the oligarchs (FT leader) / Russian recession tests Chechbya recovery (FT) / Russian spacecraft Progress M-27M 'out of control' (BBC)

28 Apr. Russia unveils new Armata tank for WW2 victory parade (BBC)

27 Apr. Ukraine urged to implement ceasefire in full (FT) / President tackles oligarchs strnanglehold on [Ukraine] economy (FT) / (Putin accusses US of aiding separatst militantz inside Russia (FT) / Russia seeks to strengthen political ties with Argentina (FT)

26 Apr. Kazakh leader likely to win new five-year term (BBC) / Russia jails three women over twerking video at WW2 memorial (BBC)

25 Apr. Poland bars Russia's Night Wolves bikers over security (BBC)

24 Apr.

23 Apr.

22 Apr.

21 Apr. Brussels to charge Gazprom with market abuse (FT)/ EU to charge Russia's Gazprom with market abuse (iNYT)

20 Apr. French foreign minister hits at Putin for arming Teheran (FT)

19 Apr. Russian opposition parties form anti-Putin alliance (BBC)

18 Apr. Russian data belie Outin's optimism (FT) / Russia issues warning over U.S. soldiers in Ukraine (training operation) iNYT / Ukraine rebel leader Zakharchenko asserts claims (BBC)

I7 Apr. Putin proclims worst of crisis has passed (FT) / [Polish] presidential candidate seeks thaw with Moscow (FT) / North Korea and Russia deepen ties as sense of isolation grows (FT) / Ukraine says state-owned bank risks default unless leeway is grqnted (FT) / Putin's dangerous moves (iNYT leader)

16 Apr. Russians question President Putin in live TV phone-in BBC) / Ukraine puts faith in foreign reformers (FT)

15 Apr.

14 Apr. Putin agrees to deliver air defences in Teheran (iNYT) / Ukraine crisis: Fighting continues despite new push to enforce truce (BBC) / Aging in Ukraine without a safety net (iNYT)

13 Apr.

12 Apr.

11 Apr. Russia cancels UK-US display of WW2 photos (BBC) / Ukraine moves to revive economy (iNYT)

10 Apr. Protests show how quickly Russia's mood can turn (FT)/ Ukraine opens natural gas sector to investors (FT) / Ukraine sets its sights on national recovery (FT leader) / NAEO pares delegation from Russia, but quietly (iNYT)

09 Apr. Europe bristles as Greek leader meets Putin (iNYT) / 'Summary killings of Ukrainian soldiers' (Amnesty report) BBC

08 Apr. War inflicts heavy toll on business in Ukraine (FT) / Mr Tsipras visits Mr Putin (iNYT leader)

07 Apr. Athens seeks peach of a deal in Moscow (Tsipras visit/sanctions relief) FT / With cash and charm, Putin aims at sanctions (iNYT) / Ukraine leader rejects 'federalization' (iNYT)

06 Apr.

05 Apr.

04 Apr. Russia's recent past - Nemtsov Bridge (Econ) / Elections in Central Asia - No choice (Econ)

03 Apr.

02 Apr. Rosneft reaches Yukos settlement (FT) / A newly assertive Russia propels Norway's air defences back into action (iNYT) / Russian trawler sinks off Kamchatka with 54 dead (BBC)

01 Apr.


31 Mar. Terrible? Russia sees Ivan in a softer light (iNYT)

30 Mar. Uzbekistan vote: Huge win for President Islam Karimov (BBC) / Moscow's twisted history lessons (M. Trudolyubov) iNYT / Russia looks to its history in serch of a new ideology (A. Kekrasov (FT)

29 Mar.

28 Mar. 2 Russians charged by Poland in 2010 crash (flight control of President Kaczynski's doomed aircraft) iNYT / President v oligarch (Econ)

27 Mar.

26 Mar. Ikraine arrests 2 officials during televised meeting (iNYT) / Reining in Ukraine's oligarchs is long ovrdue (FT leader) / Hungary to meet concerns on Russian nuclear fuel supply (FT) / A Ukraine factory soldiers on (Avdiika Coal and Steel) iNYT

25 Mar. Ukraine governor Kolomoisky sacked after oil firm row (BBC) / Ukraine arrests two top officials at cabinet meeting (State Emergencies chief Bochkovsky and deputy Stoyetsky) BBC / Hinterland emerges as microcosm of Russia's woes (Karelia) FT / To see Ukraine's future, recall Crimea (iNYT)/ U.S. says it will delay Afghan withdrawal (iNYT)

24 Mar. Poroshenko warns rival [Kolomoisky] over 'pocket army' (FT) / Finance minister pleads for 'crucial' rebuilding aid (FT)

23 Mar. Kiev likely to restructure Russia debt worth $3bn (FT) / Litvinenko inquiry: Key suspect Kovtun aims to clear his name (BBC) / Moscow delivers nuclear strike warning over Danish [Nato missile-shield] ships (FT) / Europe's far-right travels to Russia, with love (FT)

22 Mar. Ukraine ex-President Yanukovych's son 'drowns in lake' [Baikal] BBC

21 Mar. Oligarch urges stake take-over of privatised industrial asszets (Klomoisky-Pinchuk fight over Ukrainian KzhRK) FT

20 Mar. Yatseniuk warns Europe to be wary of Putin's tactics (FT) / Ukraine and energy put regional ties under stress (FT) / Killoing spotlight's Putin's brash Chechen (Kadyrov) iNYT / The gains from Ukraine (Western collboration) NYT

19 Mar. Disputre over [east Ukraine]self-rule puts truce deal in doubt (FT) / Plan to vet Gazprom congracts faces resistqnce (iNYT)

17 Mar. Putin reappears after unexplained absence (iNYT) / Russian leader dismisses 'gossip' over absence (BBC) / Putin pays lip-service to gossip as he returns from mystery absence (FT) / Brussels split over Moscow sanctions push (FT) / Civil society in Russia is bloodied but not buried (The Russian School for Civic Education) FT / Poland's pro-Russia Zmiana party aims to attract one in 10 voters in election (FT)

16 Mar. Russia's Vladimir Putin dismisses 'gossip' over absence (meeting Kyrgyz president in St Petersburg) BBB / Ukraine creditors form bloc to negotiate $17bn debt (FT) / Putin and the 'Mariupol test'(US academics' proposal) iNYT / Poles steel for battle, fearing the Russians (volunteer sharpshooters) iNYT

15 Mar.

14 Mar. Latest Kremlin mystery: Putin's whereabouts (iNYT) / Putin's break from spotlight fuels rumours (FT) / Ending Ukraine's other war (economic stability) FT / Russian steppes (Lex column)

Russia and Chechnya - The Caucasian connection (Econ) / Ukraine's bail-out - When relief looks barely enough (Econ)/ Tajikistan - Central Asia's Putin (Econ)

13 Mar. Brussels veto of Hungarian nuclear deal set to inflame tensions with Russia (FT) / IMF warns of high risks in Ukraine rescue plan (FT) / Russia seeks to deepen its ties with North Korea (iNYT) / Sweden to put troops back on Gotland as anwiety grows over Russia (FT)

12 Mar. Suspect in Moscow killing was coerced, activst says (iNYT) / Opposition leader Navalny urges west to target Putin allies who 'finance war' (FT) / Putin opponents struggle for one voice (FT) / Litvinenko poison came from Russia, court told (FT)

11 Mar. Nemtsov murder: Zaur Dadayev confession 'forced'¨[says prison visitor] BBC

10 Mar. Chechen links killing [of Nemtsov] to French cartoons (iNYT) / Former warlord [Kadyrov]remark raises questions over who killed Nemtsov (FT) / Poroshenko confirms rebel weapons moved (BBC) / Long line of bailouts drains funds in Moscow (FT)

09 Mar. Two charged, and 3 held, in murder of Nemtsov (iNYT) / Two men charged with Nemtsov murder (FT) / Juncker calls for creation of EU army to counter Russia (FT) / EU chief urges inited stance on Russia (Tusk in Washington) iNYT /Russia set to cement China energy ties with Siberian gas deal (FT)

08 Mar. Ukraine crisis: Rebels 'pull heavy weapons' from front line (BBC)

07 Mar. Struggle to shatter wall of silence on Ukraine (Nemtsov's quest on Russian troop deaths) FT / OSCE 'must double' ceasefire monitors (call by Russia and Germay) BBC / Russia after Nemtsov (BBC) / Atomic weapons - The new nuclear age (Econ leader)

06 Mar. Why sanctions on Russia will backfire (Charap and Sucker) iNYT / The alpha oligarch (Mikhail Fridman) FT / Kiev's 'heroine' female pilot battles on in Moscow cell (FT)

05 Mar. Q&A What we know of the murder of Boris Nemtsov amid rumour and speculation (FT) / Ukraine mourns miners killed in Zasyadko gas blast (BBC)

04 Mar. Ukraine gas blast 'kills 30' at Zasyadko coal mine (BBC) / Thousands mourn death of Nemtsov and 'idea of democrqcy' (FT) / Russians mourn slain politician (iNYT)

03 Mar. Nemtsov's funeral: Russia restricts foreign mourners (BBC) / Partner of slain Putin critic cannot leave (iNYT) / Boris Nemtsov - a reformer who never backed down (iNYT)/ Russian liberals fear for safety in tense times (iNYT) / Putin's survival strategy is lies and violence (Rachman) FT / The case for blocking Russia in the North Sea (projected RWE sald of Letter One field to Fridman group) FT leader

02 Mar. Thousands march to mourn murdered Putin critic Nemtsov (FT) / Thousands at vigil for Putin critic (iNYT) / Murder in the shadows of the Kremlin (FT) / Prospects for opposition remain week despite revulsion at murder (FT) / Liberals and Kremlin trade blows over death [of Nemtsov] (FT) / Russia's army of avengers (M. Gessen) iNYT / Ukraine crisis: Kerry and Lavrov set for Geneva discussions (BBC)

01 Mar. Putin critic Nemtsov murdered (BBC)

28 Feb. Ukraine and Russia agree talks on gas payments (iNYT) / Spain holds eight suspected of fighting in Ukraine (iNYT) / Pro-Russian fighters held (FT) / Party with ties to Putin reaches for power in Estonia (Centre party, Edgar Savisaan)

27 Feb. Kiev to pull artillery from region (iNYT) / Ukraine: UK and EU 'badly misread' Russia (UK parliamentary committee) BBC

26 Feb. Moscow had Crimea strategy, paper says (iNYT)

25 Feb. Russia targets Ukrainian gas supply (iNYT) / EU sounds out new sources as links with Russia sour (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan gas) FT / Putin's propagandists are girding Russia for a fight (Andrei Ostalski) FT / Russia fears lead Lithuania to reinstate military draft (FT)

24 Feb. Ukraine rebels talk of fighting on (iNYT)

23 Feb. In Ukraine, rebels' mixed signals (iNYT)

22 Feb.

21 Feb. Victory songs set to ring out as Putin seeks diversion from Russia's woes (FT) / Ukraine's war - The fire that did not cease (Econ)

20 Feb. Casualty list grows aftr Ukraine retreat (iNYT) / Making the most of Minsk (iNYT) / Kiev accusded of cutting gas supplies to rebels (FT) / The short telegrama bout Putin's Russia (Stephens) FT

19 Feb. Holande and Merkel say pressure must be kept on Moscow over Ukraine (iNYT) / Kiev's forces retreat from stinging loss (Debaltseve) iNYT / Kiev humiliated as troops retreat from rail hub (FT) / Georgia wary as Moscow deals with South Ossetia and Abkhazia (FT) / Putin's friend-making talent helps him ignore pariah status in West (Rachman) FT

18 Feb. Amid cease-fire, fight for Ukrainian town rages (Debaltseve) iNYT / / (Ukraine rebels claim control of crucial rail hub (Debaltseve) FT / Orban defies EU over talks with Putin (FT)

17 Feb. Vides shows rebels with upper hqnd in Ukraine (iNYT)/ Ukraine clashes threaten cease-fire (FT)/ Russian hearts, minds and refrigerators (Rachman) FT

16 Feb. Shaky truce takes hold in Ukraine as charges fly (iNYT) / TRnuous cease-fire in eastern Ukraine (FT) / Bank hackers reportedly steal vast sums (Ukraine) iNYT

15 Feb.

14 Feb. Renewed sense of identity takes hold in Donetsk (FT) / Fairy tales that conceal the meaning of Minsk (Niall Ferguson) FT / Accord does little to lift challenges facing Kiev (iNYT) / The cease-fire in Ukraine (iNYT leader) / Playing with reality on Russian TV news (iNYT) / View from the Kremlin - Putin's war on the West (Econ leader) / Hungary and Russia - Victor and Vladimir (Econ)/ 'Leviathan - Russia's Book of Job (Econ)

13 Feb. Minsk II leaves observers with string sense of dèja-vu (FT)

12 Feb. Ukraine fighting rages as leaders make last-ditch bid to forge truce (FT) / Border control vital to Poroshenko (FT) / The West needs to rescue Ukrainian economy (FT leader) / West's 'double standards' attacked (Azeri criticism of US bid to arm Kiev against sepqratists) FT

11 Feb. Putin aide says arming Ukraine would draw Russia into war (FT) / The Ukraine war's next front (Mariupol, Debaltseve) iNYT / Help Ukraine seize this chance (reform, economic aid) FT

10 Feb. Ukraine battles rage ahead of [Minsk] summit (BBC)

09 Feb. West caused Ukraunian crisis - Putin (BBC) / Cypus denies 'Russia deal on military bases (BBC) / On Ukraine, two different lessons from Cold War (iNYT) / Don't arm Ukraine (Mearsheimer) iNYT

08 Feb.

07 Feb. Fighting in Ukraine - Give war a chance (Econ)

06 Feb. Merkel and Holland meet Putin in bid to break Ukraine deadlock (FT) / West mounts push to end Ukraine war amid distrust (iNYT) / Hollande and Merkel in key truce talks in Moscow (BBC) / Ukraine currency tumbles after central bank abandons defence (iNYT) / Ukraine is only part of Putin's game plan (Stephens) FT / Putin critic sees Kremlin weakness (Navalny) iNYT

05 Feb. Pentagon nominee hints at shift on aiding Ukraine (FT) / John Kerry to hold talks in Ukraine, as US mulls arms supplies (BBC) / Foreigners flee Russia as sick ecoomy and rift with west deepen isolation (FT) / Pledge weapons for Ukraine, or the violence goes on (FT opinion, Wolfgang Ischinger)

04 Feb. The Minsk moment (second part of FT 'inquiry into Putin's behaviour over Ukraine - see 03 Feb.) / Saudi oil is seen as way to sway Russian on Syria (FT)

03 Feb. How the West lost Putin (FT 'inquiry' into Putin's behaviour over Ukraine) / Ukraine rebel leader orders military draft to defend enclave in east (FT) / On Ukraine front, rebels are upbeat (iNYT) / US ponders arming Ukraine forces (BBC) / Putin resumes his war (iNYT leader)

02 Feb. Kiev appeals for aid in 'electronic war' (FT / Small town in Ukraine is at centre of rebel push (Debaltseve) iNYT / Clashes intensify between 2 ex-Soviet republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan) iNYT

01 Feb. Fire rages through library in Moscow (Institue of Scientific Information on Social Sciences) BBC / 'Dozens killed' in east as Minsk talks open [but no deal reached] BBC


31 Jan. Rouble slides as Russia cuts interest rates to counter recession risk (FT) / Rouble's value crumbles, but leaders play it cool (iNYT) / Mortar attacks kill 7 in Ukraine as fight rages (iNYT) / From Glaznost to gloves off (Memorial and other rights organisations under attack, John Lloyd) FT / Russia and Ukraine - Understanding Putin's plans (Econ) / The war in Ukraine - Ceasefire no more (Econ)

30 Jan. Ukraine conflict: EU extends sanctions against Russia (BBC) / Gtrrce joins EU partners on sanctions for Russia (iNYT) / Russia ramps up buying as it reduces dependency on dollar (FT) / Ukraine relies on backyard coal legally (iNYT)

29 Jan. Wooing of Russia raises Western hackles (Greece and EU) / A lauded Russian film gets little love at home ('Leviathan') iNYT / Talk of swaps as Russians are charged in spy case (iNYT) / Czar Putin's next move (Friedman) iNYT / The West must help Ukraine to defend itself (FT leader) / Russia weighs creation of 'bad bank' to fight crisis (FT)

28 Jan/ North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un 'to visit Russia' (BBC) / Ukraine strife driven by Putin's aim to carve out a puppet state, says West (FT) / Brussels threatens new wave of sanctions (FT) / Greek leader gives quick signal of sharp shift [including on support for EU over Russia] iNYT / Plutonium trail leads to President's door (Litvonenko inquiry) FT / Save the new Ukraine (B-H Lévy, Soros) iNYT

27 Jan. Russia rating cut to 'junk' by S&P as falling oil price and sanctions take toll (FT) / Nato lashes out at Russia over worsening Ukraine crisis (FT) / Ukraine conflict: Putin 'foreign legion' remarks nonsense - Nato (BBC) / Pressure grows on IMF to step up aid for Kiev FT) / FBI cracks 'Russian spy ring' (BBC)

26 Jan. Warfare flares up again in eastern Ukraone (iNYT) / Ukraine conflict: Poroshenko vows to 'calm' Mariupol fighting (BBC) / Inquiry into poisoning death of Putin critic (Litvinenko) iNYT

25 Jan.

24 Jan. In Ukraine, rebels vow to oust army from the region (iNYT) / War in Ukraine - Airport saga (Econ) / Russian banker fears 'war' over Swift system (FT) / A feted director who divides Russia (Zvyagintsev/'Leviathan') FT

23 Jan. Ukraine rebel Zakharchenko 'rejects truce talks' (BBC)

22 Jan.

21 Jan. Film of hero's plight against state polarizes Russians ('Leviathan') iNYT

20 Jan. Hawks attack call to soften EU stance over Ukraine (FT) / Russia faces 5% contraction, development bank predicts (FT) / Ukraine conflict: Security in east deteriorating, say [OSCE] observers (BBC)

19 Jan.

18 Jan.

17 Jan. Rebels in Ukraine claim a victory (Donetsk airport) iNYT / Russia's economy - Hardly tottering by (Econ) / Ukraine's economy - On the edge (Econ)

16 Jan.

15 Jan. Russian finance minister warns of budget cuts as oil prices plunge (FT)

14 Jan. Bus is target in heavier Ukraine fighting (iNYT)

13 Jan. Renewed Ukraine fighting puts talks in dount (FT)

12 Jan. Armed forces seize property in Crimea (iNYT)

11 Jan.

10 Jan.

09 Jan. Juncker proposes extra $1.8bn [EU] aid for Ukraine (FT) / Danger of Isolation ('Putin's standoff on Ukraine and falling rouble rock dream of Eurasian economic power-house') FT / Putin and his new year's reolutions (M Gessen) iNYT / Russia says drivers must not have 'sex disorders' (BBC)

08 Jan. Save Ukraine to bring Russia to heel, west told (Soros interview FT

07 Jan. Ukrainian bonds hit fresh low as fears grow of default by war-torn country (FT)

06 Jan. Navalny snubs Putin with house arrest defiance (FT) / With snip of bracelet activist tests Putin's plans (iNYT)

05 Jan. Yanukovish was defeated even before his ouster (iNYT) / Younger reformers battle to save Ukraine with last-minute battle to transform it (i>NYT) / A grumbling Russian optimist (Reuben Vardanian) FT

02 Jan. Anti-Putin protest fizzles as police sweep [Moscow] square (iNYT) / Ukraine nationalists march in Kiev to honour Bandera (BBC) / Putin's quest for a pipeline exposed big ambitions (iNYT) / Can the Internet defeat Putin? (iNYT opinion )

01 Jan.


31 Dec. Putin critic seized after defiant visit to protest (Navalny) iNYT / Activist detained in Moscow crackdown (FT) / Russia's strong-arm tactics restore bank calm (FT) / East Germans' soft spot for Russia (iNYT) / Five Guantanamo Bay inmates 'resettled' in Kazakhstan (BBC)/ Lithunia adopts euro, hestitantly (iNYT)

30 Dec. Putin critic [Navalny] gets suspended sentence (BBC) / Russian economy contracts (FT) / Russians see costlier food as no crisis (iNYT) / Putin's global courtships (iNYT leader) / Ukraine's Facebook warriors (iNYT) / Lithuania to complete Western integation as Kremlin rattles the Baltics (FT)

29 Dec. Russia shows first sign of recession as GDP contracts [by 0.5´in November] BBC / Putin's populist blunder belies the loneliness of the cynic (Freeland) FT / Loss of Nimrods raises fears of risk to UK nuclear subs as Russia grows bold (FT)

28 Dec.

27 Dec. Russia triples Trust Bank bailout as Moscow seeks new year calm (FT) / As ties fray with Russia, Germany cancels deals (iNYT) / Putin shows oligarchs that fealty is no guarantee (Yevtushenkov case) iNYT / Putin doctrine stops short of calling US and Nato enemies (FT) / Rebels swap captives with Ukraine as talks stumble (FT)

26 Dec.

25 Dec.

24 Dec. Russia upset as Ukraine takes step to join NATO (reversal of non-bloc status) iNYT / Berlin backs Moscow on securiry talks (inclusion of non-government experts at February Minsk conference) FT

23 Dec.

22 Dec.

21 Dec. Ukraine crisis: Russia defies fresh Western sanctions (BBC)

20 Dec. Khodorkovsky offers himself as crisis mqnager if Putin quits (FT) / The man who would change Russia - Mikhail Khodorkovsky (FT lunch interview) / Critic of Putin faces year sentence (Navalny) FT / Belarus raises its rates to 50% as Russian turmoil takes its toll (FT) / Overstretched? Maybe, but Lithuanians opt for speed (rapid reaction force) iNYT

19 Dec. Putin links rouble's fall to outside forces (iNYT) / Defiant Putin blames West for Russia's economic woes (FT) / Uncertainty ripples acros Russian economy (FT) Foreign banks staged retreat before escalation of crisis (FT) / Russia sends a warning on the frailty of global debt (FT) / EU needs 'long-term' Russia strategy, says Donald Tusk (EU summit) BBC

18 Dec. Putin seeks to ease fears over Russian economic crisis (BBC) / Currency crisis spurs criticism of Putin (FT) / Russia eyes aresenal of weamons to fight back (FT) / EU demurs over Kiev's plea for cash assistanxe (FT) / Russian turmoil could ease Ukraine crisis (iNYT) / Looking for truth in Ukraine (iNYT) / Russians to leave France, but not aboaerd ship (iNYT) / How he and his cronies stole Russia (review of Karen Dawisha's 'Putin's Kleptocracy') New York Review of Books

17 Dec. Russian financial crisis looma as rouble turmoil causes jitters (FT) / Bank of Russia under fire as currency tumbles (FT) / The rouble crisis reveals Putin's strategic failure (FT leader) / Russia is heading into an economic storm with no captain (S.Giriev) FT / Rouble crisis could pose threat to Putin (iNYT)

16 Dec. Russian rouble in free-fall despite shock 17% rate rise (BBC) / Rout in Russian markets triggers rouble's biggest decline since 1996 (FT) / Blow for Kiev as Ghevron quits shale gas project (FT)

15 Dec. Russia's ideology: There is no truth (iNYT, opinion) / Sweden fears air crash aftr near miss [with Russian reconnaissance jet] (FT) Pastor's turn fighting for Ukraine (iNYT)

14 Dec.

13 Dec . Russia - Putin's people (Econ)

12 Dec.

11 Dec. Armenia poised to join Putin-backed trade bloc (iNYT)

10 Dec. IMF warns Ukraine is lost unless additional $15bn is found (FT) / 'Silent day' observed by both sides in Ukraine war (iNYT) / Sun sets on Russians' upmarket trips abroad (FT) / Driving Ukrainians into Putin's arms (iNYT op-ed)

09 Dec. Rurope will rely on Russian gas for at leaast another decade (Letter to FT from Jonatrhan Stern, of Oxford Institution for Energy Studies)

08 Dec.

08 Dec.

07 Dec.

06 Dec.

05 Dec. Putin warns west over 'sacred' Crimea (address to the nation) (FT) / Putin pounds on rouble speculators (FT) / Militants hit Chechnya in rebuke to Kremlin (iNYT) / Militants kill police officers as terror threatens fragile Chechen peace (FT)

04 Dec. President Putin calls for Russians to be self-reliant (address to the nation) (BBC)/ Bank of Russia governor under fire from all directions over rouble rout (FT) / Serbia in clash beteen Russia and the west (FT) / Nuclear site in Ukraine has accident (iNYT) / Bad-mannered Russias in the west (iNYT)

03 Dec.

02 Dec. Rouble rocked as oil price plunge turns up pressure on Russia (FT) / Russia ready to abandon South Stream gas piopeline (FT) / France's far-right party taps Russian cash (iNYT)

01 Dec. Sofia sees Kremlin's face behind mask of shale protests (FT) / The economic collapse of Ukraine must be halted (FT leader)


30 Nov. Thousands protest against Russian health cuts (BBC)

29 Nov. Moldovans caught in tug of war between east and west (FT) / Stalin, father of Ukraine (iNYT) / Ukraine's government - Tragedy and farce (Econ) / German y and Russia - A new Ostpolitik (Econ)

28 Nov.

27 Nov. Merkel offers Putin trade talks olive branch (FT) / Industry feels squeeze as {German]exports to Russia fall (FT)

26 Nov. Georgia calls for west to condemn Abkhazia pact (FT) / Buckwheat blues (Russian economy) FT / A negotiated settlement with Russia is the only option (Braithwaite letter) FR / Moscow built it, but a dream is falling short (city office blocks) iNYT) / Viktor Tikhonov obit (iNYT)

25 Nov. Putin signs Abkhazia deal and leaqves Tbilisi on edge (FT

24 Nov./ Sophisticated cyber attack on Russia and Saudi-Arabia (FT) / Ukraine economic woes - Shadow trading signals financial crisis (FT) / Neglected by military, Ukraine troops are lifted by voluunteeers (iNYT)

23 Nov. Ukraine crisis: Lavrov warns over Russia 'regime change' goal (BBC)

22 Nov. Russia - A wounded economy (Econ leader) / The Russian economy - the end of the line (Econ briefing)

21 Nov. Nato hold itd largest cyber wa game on edge of Russia (FT) / Ukaine's slow collapse (iNYT) / Failure to reach a nuclear deal will drive Iran into Russia's arms (FT)

18 Nov. Mystery Russian space launch sparks fears Kremlin has revived its satellite killer (FT) / Russia ousts envoys from Germany and Poland (iNYT)

17 Nov. Putin flies home early after taking flak (Brisbane G-20) / Russia finds tough words from G-20 on Ukraine (iNYT)

16 Nov.

15 Nov. Russia and Ukraine - military marches (Econ)

14 Nov.

13 Nov.

12 Nov. Russia to build Iran atomic reactors at Bushehr (BBC) / Russia agrees Iran nuclear pact as talks near deadline (FT) / Russia's struggle to feed and heat people of Crimea as winter nears (FT) / Kazakhstan looks to hedge oil price (FT)

11 Nov. Putin snubs Europe wth Siberian gas deal that bolsters China links (FT) / Putin aims to strengthen China links as ties with west fray (iNYT) / Study warns of growing risk in standoffs wth Russia (European Leqdership Network) iNYT /Russia is a bigger challenge than ISIS (Rachman) FT / The Iran-Ukraine affair (Cohen) iNYT /Russian capital Moscow shrouded in noxious gas (BBC)

10 Nov. Putin shows that he, too, can pivot towards Asia (iNYT) / Nato-Russia incidents came close to conflict says think-tank (European Leadership Network) FT

09 Nov.

08 Nov. Plunging rouble raises spectre of fresh financial crisis for Russia (FT) / Ukraine fears heighten rouble crisis (FT) / Wobbles send tremors throught the Kremlin (FT) / The rouble's dive exposes Putin's miscalculation (FT) / Ukraine crisis: Tanks 'cross border' from Russia (BBC)

07 Nov. The bear turns (R.Cohen) iNYT

06 Nov. Russian end to automatic support for rouble spurs fredsh plunge for currency (FT) / Kiev to freeze public pensions and wages in east (iNYT) / In Georgia, pro-western party leaves coalition (iNYT)

05 Nov. Ukraine crisis: Rebels say Poroshenko tore up peace deal (BBC)

04 Nov. Ukraine orders troops to key cities (BBC) / Russia to 'respect' rebel votes in Ukraine (iNYT)

03 Nov. Ukraine crisis: Rebel elections obstacle to peace - EU (BBC) / Pro-Russian rebels defy Kiev in polls (iNYT) / Putin friend profits after school books are purged (iNYT)

02 Nov. Ukraine crisis: Separatists hold controversial polls (iNYT)

01 Nov. Russian spies stoke cold war memories (iNYT) / East Ukraine suffers as winter nears (iNYT) / Ukraine's election (Econ) / Russia and the West (Valdai onference) Econ

31 Oct. Russia-Ukraine gas deal secures EU winter supply (BBC) / Russia and Ukraine near deal on gas flows (FT)/ Paris denies preparing to deliver ship to Moscow (iNYT)

30 Oct. Premier takes bold course after Ukraine vote (iNYT) / Sanctions hurt German exports to Russia (FT) /Jets scrmbled to counter Russin warplanes (FT) / Swedes lean towards Nato mmbership (FT)

29 Oct.

28 Oct. Ukraine vote favours President (iNYT) / Ukraine reaches turning point as reformists celebrate result (FT) / Ukraine, Russia and Europe's bloody borders (G. Rachman) FT

27 Oct. Pro-West parties set for Ukraine win (BBC) / Ukraine vote amounts to referendum on uprising (iNYT)

26 Oct.

25 Oct. Ukraine's next generation of pro-westdrn politicians looks set to antagonise Moscow further (FT)

24 Oct. Sweden calls off search for suspected [Russian] sdubmarine (BBC) / Western analysts fear blowback from Russia sanctions (Valdai conference) FT / Rebel republic poll verges on shambolic (Donetsk) FT

23 Oct. The Specter facing Ukraine (Tim Judah) New York Review of Books / Dispatch Café encounter exposes reality of Russian soldiers in Ukraine (FT)/ EU seeks alternative [energy] supplies(FT) / Chinese cash softens fallout from Russia (Tajikistan) FT

21 Oct. Kiev linked to use of cluster weapons (on Donetsk) iNYT / Tensions on the frontier (Baltic states fear of 'Russian attempt to undermine NATO') FT

20 Oct. Controlling the oast and future in Russia (Pressure on Memorial) FT leader/ Russia widens drive against McDonalds (FT)/ Russian sub reported near Swedish coast (FT) / In magical mud, tales of bygone Russia (Novgorod archaelogical finds) iNYT

19 0ct.

18 Oct. Exuding confidence, Putin rebuffs European appeals [at Milan Asia-Europe summit] iNYT/ (Putin's nightcap with old pal dims focus on Ukraine (Berlusconi) FT / Kremlin efforts to silence human rights group trigger activist outcry (Memorial) FT

17 Oct. Ukraine crisis: Russia's Putin holds talks [with EU leaders] in Milan (BBC) Rosneft and Rotenberg take EU to court as sanctions on Moscow hit home (FT)

16 Oct. Ukraine teeters on edge of winter energy crisis (FT) / Russia to curb defence spending (FT) / Serbia's grand welcome for Putin likely to jar with west (FT)

15 Oct. Oil price tumbles $3 after energy watchdog cuts demand forecast (FT) / Moscow's macho man loosens tongues (Putin attacked) iNYT

14 Oct. Putin revels in Grand Prix debut (iNYT)

13 Oct. Chinese leaders wary of Russian embrace (FT) Ukraine's defense minister resigns (V. Heletey) iNYT / Aviation giant is grounded in Ukraine (Antonov) iNYT

12 Oct.

11 Oct. Astray in Cjhina, 'Putin's tiger' raises furor (iNYT)

10 Oct. Businesses in Russia 'serfs' to state, says ex-Putin aide (Sergei Pugachev) FT / Ex-Putin adviser denies causing bank's collapse (FT) / Moscow poised to allow seizure of foreign assets to compensate oligarchs (FT)

09 Oct.

08 Oct. Russian groups face danger of credit crunch, Moody's warns (FT) / Ukraine's enemy within (corruption) iNYT / Russia's unwelcome citizens (dual nationality registration) iNYT

07 Oct. Russia through the nuclear looking glass (FT)

06 Oct. Ukrainian civilians caught in crossfire (iNYT) / Russia backs out of U.S. [high-school] exchange (iNYT) / Keeping the pressure on Putin (iNYT leader)

05 Oct.

04 Oct. Nato chief aims to ease Baltic anxieties (FT) / Pro-Russian Harmony party favourite to secure victory in Latvian election (FT) / Russia's economy - On the edge of recession (Econ)

03 Oct. A hidden cost of freezing Russia out of finance (FT) / The re-emergence of a Russian dissident (Khodorkovsky in Washington) iNYT / Putin endorses plan to create 'secure' bazck-up net for Russia (iNYT) / Emperor Putin's war on truth (iNYT)

02 Oct. Frozen conflict emerges from heat of war (eastern Ukraine) FT / Separatists evote Soviet era, hammer, sickle and all (iNYT)

01 Oct.


30 Sep. To Russia with love (French opponents of US) iNYT

29 Sep. In Russia it pays to be a fiends of Putin's (Loyalist bankers enriched by Ukraine sanctions fall-out) iNYT / At U.N., Russian foreign minister asserts U.S. and allies are hypocritical (iNYT) / Berlin set to reject Putin trade pressure [for EU-Ukraine trade deal adjustment]. FT

28 Sep.

27 Sep.

26 Sep. Putin demands reopening of EU trade pact with Ukraine (FT) / Putin's power politics (oligarchs close to Kremlin rattled by sanctions) FT. / As West squeezes Russia, others feel pain (Lithuanian farms) iNYT / Uzbekistan 'unspeakable abuse' of political prisoners (BBC)

25 Sep. Russian air incursions rattle Baltic states (FT) After the sanctions, prepare for the Russian countrtattack (contributed opinion) FT

24 Sep. Russia moves to limit foreign ownership of media outlets (Duma bill) FT / For many in Ukraine, Moscow's sway grows (iNYT) / Russia poses a conundrum for Wall St. (FT Business)

23 Sep. Graves hint at Russian role in Ukraine (iNYT) / Azerbaijan pressed over crackdown on NGOs (FT)

22 Sep/ Russia's soverign fund struggles to avoid politics (FT) / Blackstone calls it a day in Russia as sanctions freeze investor appetite (FT)

21 Sep. Ukraine crisis: Thousands march in Moscow anti-war rally (BBC)

20 Sep. Yevtushenkov's house arrest conditions lifted (FT) / Ukraine gets less than it wanted from Washington (iNYT) / In Moscow, a new era of reycling (landfill limits) iNYT

19 Sep. Putin's hardline confidants gain strength from sanctions (FT) / Poroshenko calls on US to give weapons to Ukraine military (FT) / Ukraine leader asks U.S. for military aid (iNYT) / Poland wants UN to curb Russia (iNYT)

18 Sep. Arrest [of Yevtushenkov]signals a new order (FT) / Detention of oligarch in Russia jolts market (iNYT) / Ukraine crisis: President Poroshenko in key US visit (BBC) / BBC team under attack in southern Russia (BBC)

17 Sep. Kiev passes laws tying Ukraine to the E.U. (iNYT) / Ukraine to screen civil servants for loyalty (BBC) / Russia puts one of its richest men under house arerest on money laundering charge (V. Yevtushenkov) FT / Russia is our most dangerous neighbour (Matin Wolf)

16 Sep. Ukraine ceasefire exposes division in Kiev leadership (FT) / Elections strengthen Putin's grip on Crimea (iNYT) / Monitors duck artillery fire in Ukraine (iNYT) / Putin's challenge to oil-hungry world (FT leader) / Putin's playbook (Maxim Trudolyubov) iNYT

15 Sep. Ex-BP chief warns of denger Russian sanctions will choke world oil supplies (FT) / Kiev in vow on EU trade after pact is delayed (FT) / Western dezlusions triggered this conflict and Russians will not yield (S.Karaganov) FT

14 Sep.

13 Sep. U.S. escalates pressure on Moscow (FT) / West targets Russia (oil and sanctions) iNYT / Bolstering a Russian neighbour (Georgia, iNYT leader) / Russia and Ukraine - A brief intermission (Econ

12 Sep. EU imposes harder sanctions on Russia (iNYT) / Russia warns of curb on EU clothing and car imports (FT)

11 Sep. E.U. imposes more sabctions on Russia (iNYT) / A Personal fight to secure gas for Ukraine (Andriy Kobolev of Naftogazssia) FT

10 Sep. Poroshenko offers rebels more autonomy (BBC) / Helsinki denies blocking EU sanctions against Russia (FT) / 'Outside objects struck Malaysian jet' (iNYT) / Russia's next land grab (South Caucasus) iNYT / Sochi struggles as Russian tourists head for Crimea (FT)

09 Sep. Ukrainian president vows to unite nation as cease-fire holds (iNYT) / Emblem of excess frustrates Ukraine (Yanukovych palace) iNYT / U.S. and Russia to discuss arms dispute (iNYT) / Give diplomacy with Russia a chance (Matlock et al) iNYT

08 Sep. EU sanctions defy Russian warning [of retaliation] BBC /
If Ukraine cease-fire holds, the real work begins (iNYT) / Shells rattle fragile Ukraine ceasefire (FT) / Sanctions help Russia overcome its China paranoia (share in Vankor oil project) FT

07 Sep. Ukraine truce shaken by new shelling (BBC)

06 Sep. Ukraine and rebels agree truce (FT) / Ukraine and rebels agree to cease-fire (iNYT) / Russians unite in face of sanctions (FT) / Oil sanctions (Lex column) FT / Tallin accuses Moscow of abducting agent (FT) / Slim defense budgets catch up to newest NATO allies in East (iNYT) / At NATO summit, small steps for big challenges (iNYT) / A wise delay on warships (iNYT leader) Why #Russia Invaded Ukraine matters (Freeland) iNYT / Ukraine, Russia and the West - The long game (Econ) / The war in Ukraine - Reversal of fortune (Econ) / Nagorno-Karabakh - A pountainous district (Econ)

05 Sep. Kiev seeks cease-fire with rebels (iNYT) / Ukraine raises cease-fire hopes (FT) / France links warship deliverey to peace deal (FT) / Brussels targets Russian oil groups (FT) / An invasion of Ukraine? It's hard to say (iNYT) / Obama faces dilemma as Putin holds all the cards (FT) Fleeing to a new life in Russia (iNYT)

04 Sep. Putin's offer of cease-fire meets cool reception (iNYT) / Russia's belligerence sets stiffest test of Nato resolve in 20 years (FT) / France casts doubt on arms deal with Russia (iNYT) / A way out for Kiev and Moscow (Anatol Lieven) iNYT

03 Sep. West debates arms for Ukraine (FT) Eurasia's economic union feels the strain (FT) / Baltic states fear Kremlin concern for their ethnic Russians (FT) / Moscow aide says Nato policy to shift (FT) / Russia tests West's will to take a stand on Ukraine (iNYT) / Obama must seize his Nato moment (FT leader) / Finland's lesson for Ukraine (Nyberg) iNYT

02 Sep. Nato plans rapid reqaction force (FT) / NATO plans fast response force for area near Russia (iNYT) / Nato alliance goes back to the future (FT leader) / Ukraine signals strategic shift to de facto war with Moscow (FT) / As Ukraine talks resume, Putin and Poroshenko exchange indirect barbs (iNYT)

01 Sep. Putin urges talks on Ukraine future (iNYT) / Putin's 'statehood' comments raise feqrs (FT) / Naro seeks unity as it weighs response to Russia land grab (FT) / Nato must show grit in the face of Putin's aggression (Burns) FT

31 October 2015
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